
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (239)

...But trying to echo on a snowy mountain like this one can lead to unfortunate events, like avalanches.

Don't worry, nobody's hurt (except maybe Claude, who might have been hurt in his pride), but everyone's now back at the foot of the mountain. If you were climbing up towards the Field of Power, you have made a mistake; otherwise, if you were coming back from the top after acquiring the Jewel of Power, and somehow had your way blocked by cave-ins (because of those meddling gorillas who love to play with levers), then you've probably found the only way out of the mountain. I don't know if you can get barred out of the Field of Power by many cave-ins, but I recommend reloading your last save if you let too many of them occur, since navigating the Field becomes harder.

Oh, right! The scene depicted in the above screenshot has Rena in Claude's place if you're playing the Rena version, whic means you can see her panties (you pervert! Actually, it still looks funny: remember the general quality of the sprites in this game).

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