
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (228)

These enemies look like gamepads! If one of them gets too close to one of your characters, it will 'jack into' him/her and take control for a while, draining some energy in the meantime. The shape of these gamepads isn't familiar to me: it certainly doesn't resemble any of the standard gamepads used by consoles (except maybe the N64, with its three-pronged controller, but that's a bit of a stretch).

The Field of Intelligence is a solitary building on an island; it's shaped like a truncated pyramid, and inside there's one small room with three mirrors. These mirrors (not real mirrors, since they don't reflect our heroes) are actually teleportation devices leading to the 'real' Field of Intelligence, a sort of simple maze with one-way teleport platforms and weird spherical devices that start spinning once touched. There are also some weird looking enemies around here.

Claude isn't one to be scared by simple puzzles like this one, and takes the shortest path through the maze that allows them to 'activate' all of the six spherical devices in the fields (and take all the treasure along the way as well), which will hopefully trigger something other than a trap.

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