
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (232)

Claude: Been asking myself that for a while... I've never seen mine eat anthing, perhaps they're substained by just 'magic'.

Since this is the first Field they've visited, our heroes think it's better to report to Narl: despite him having sent them blindly to a place so dangerous, they didn't seem to mind much, but surely now the mayor would have something to say about the matter... Not! Narl simply says 'Next you should go to the Field of Power' (which we can only assume is more dangerous than the first one). That's also exactly what he'll tell our group for each Field.

The Field of Power is not far from here, you can even see it from the west ocast of North City: it's located on a snowy mountain, but we can't land directly on top of it (or even see what is on the top) because of the strong currents and extremely uneven terrain. There are various paths starting from the foot of the mountain and leading to different places, so it's going to be a long walk. Ernest, being a hard-boiled explorer, decides it's best to study the situation at the town located on a nearby snowy island, and possibly get some information from the locals about the mountain. Opera wholeheartedly agrees, probably because she knows that in cold places they often have strong liquor to offer.

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