I don't understand. Ronixis should have worried about Claude if he thought he was reckless, not brave; and our Commodore certainly knows his son IS kinda reckless, especially after that incident on Millocinia. By the way, Claude wasn't being brave when he decided to go back on Expel, and it certainly was less for bravery and more for sheer luck that he and his friends were spared the fate of the other Expellians. This stuff about courage sure is important (if a bit cliché), but in this context it just sound dumb.
Of course our heroes cannot be intimidated by an enemy they've already beaten before, so they easily beat it, yet they once again face the empty altar (where did the Warrior Statue go?). But suddenly a bright light engulfs the group: these visions wouldn't take them by surprise anymore if they didn't start with a different special effect each time. Claude now sees the bridge of Calnus, his father's spaceship, where Ronixis is talking about him and how brave he was. We don't know if our Warrior of Light realizes that what he's watching is the present, not the past like for the other visions; but the player certainly understands that.
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