
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (17)

Claude's mind-reading abilities always amaze me; Rena hardly even spoke in this scene. I would be tempted to assume Claude's behaviour was influenced by Celine's... uhm, presence, if it weren't for the fact that the exact same dialogue happens if you choose Rena as the main character, only with reversed roles.

The party finally gets out of this cave with the treasure, but Claude and Rena show some disappointment because they couldn't find any clues about the Sorcery Globe, thus revealing their true objective to Celine. Before parting ways, Claude suddenly asks Celine 'Why don't you go with us Celine?', and your chance to recruit her opens up. Celine is the best spellcaster in the game (among only 4, and one of them is Rena, the healer), which is too good for me to pass up. Experts may say that fighter characters are way better in general, but I just prefer not having to worry about AI-controlled characters when the AI itself sucks, and dislike switching controls too often.

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