
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (11)

Claude gets into an argument to defend a scantily clad lady: he doesn't really do anything but say a couple of cringe-worthy sentences, and then Celine, the lady you see here, seems to take care of herself pretty well. The animation of the Heraldic Wizard is practically non-existant, but him charging a spell which makes the earth tremble is quite cool: too bad you can't see it actually being cast.

Celine is a treasure hunter, a powerful magician and quite beautiful as well, and you can have her in your party for the low, low price of a stroll to Cross cave! Kidding aside, she's the first character you can add to your group of adventurers. You can recruit up to 6 members in addition to Claude and Rena, all of which are optional (you can finish the game with just the initial two), but once you get one s/he will stay with you till the end. Also, recruiting some characters will make it impossible for you to get some other ones (that's not the case with Celine). More on party managing later on.

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