
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (15)

So the party has found a secret room of the Cross Cave with treasures, among which there are some 'Ancient Writings'; none of them can decipher what's written on there, so Celine says she should show these writing to the elder of his village. Claude then follows up with a rather smart-assy comment, at least in my opinion, probably since he was on a roll after noticing that strange mark on the map which allowed them to discover this room. However, how in the world does Claude know there are linguistic scholars on this planet!? There's only one place on Expel where you can find scholars, and it's on another continent; Claude may not even have heard of it, and even if he has, what are the chances of such a specific qualification exists here? Regardless, Celine immediately replies to Claude by saying 'Indeed...': I always imagined that she said that with some spite.

Well, we've found the secret treasure, time to get back... But not before opening all the other chests! On an unrelated note, in this game there's no easy way to get out of a cave, dungeon and the like, which is usually the case with most JRPGs: most notably, all episodes of Dragon Quest and most of Final Fantasy games feature a magic spell or an item which will instantly teleport the entire party outside. I really missed such a commodity in Star Ocean 2; fortunately, there's actually one item that does that, but it's very rare and it can only be used on the Cave of Trials (I'm saying this here because I won't go to that cave, since it's optional and uneventful).

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