
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (10)

Found what?! There was this kid hidden behind that wall: you can't normally see him, but by wandering back there and pushing the 'action' button (just like when you talk to people), you'll make him jump and shout this. It might be a reference to another game, I don't know, you can't find out more about it: if you try to 'talk' to him again you'll get the same result.

After passing through the mining town Salva, Claude and Rena arrive to the castle town of Cross, which is just in front of a crossroad (the only one in the world), in order to gather information from the King about the Sorcery Globe. There's to note that the sun (or whatever star they have here on Expel) sets as soon as you approach the town, which is unique in the game, since you always happen to travel through the 'map' at daytime but in this occasion; and Cross isn't that far from Salva anyway.

Now that I think about it, I have yet to show a screen of the 'map': it's a typical 3D rendering of the world you explore, very different from the towns in appearance. I'll post one screen sooner or later, but it probably won't be funny. I'll eventually post a battle screen and the menu screen as well (so many screens, if you're not used to JRPGs you might find this complicated, it's not).

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