
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (31)

Pun intended? I definitely think so. FOL is the currency used on Expel: for the convenience of players, this currency is the only one used throughout the whole planet, the planet you'll get to in the second disc, and apparently many other planets as well (see other episodes of Star Ocean). Also, that yellow thing there looks definitely like a forklift to me... Not that I'm stealing lines from a character in the game or anything... Ok, I am, but I can't show you yet because that character can't be recruited yet.

Leaving Mars the morning after the rescue of kidnapped children, our heroes head towards the port town of Herlie and finally cross the sea to the continent of Lacour, Celine still tagging along to help her new friends with their quest. Herlie is a fairly uninteresting town: there's a gang of bandits led by Zand, the owner of a huge villa at the top of a hill, and he's related to a couple of Private Actions you can have here, one with Claude (only later) and one with Rena. Hilton, the port you land at in Lacour, is equally uninteresting, if not more; if you come back here again, you can also find a bunch of refugees from the other continent. As if the town wasn't already cramped enough before... Seriously, Hilton feels smaller than even Arlia.

Speaking of Arlia, I'm not sure if that name was a wilful mistranslation of the original name: in Japanese, the town is called 'A-ria' (long 'a'), which should be 'Aria' (air), a reference to the clean air Claude feels when he first got there. I'm saying I'm not sure because, while it's common in JRPGs to translate simple words in a slightly different way to make them sound more exotic, there's also the 'l/r' interchange issue... This is getting uselessly complicated, let's call it a day, ok?

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