
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (303)

Why does Claude worry about this bunny having an attention deficit disorder (or an addiction to Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, whatever's the case), when he should be worried that a bunny is here, selling betting tickets for the races?

As mentioned before, the Bunny Races aren't that fun, but you can get some very nice prizes if you win your bets. The items you get for a winning ticket are random, and they range from an ordinary Blueberry, to a Seltzer, to the exceedingly rare Bunny Shoes. Yes, you can get Bunny Shoes even right here, by stealing them from the overly enthusiastic bunny that's selling the tickets, but stealing is wrong! That, and you can only steal once from him, while you can get as many as you like in the races; and I think there are only two or three Bunny Shoes around.

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