
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (214)

This isn't a very good first impression you're giving, Noel.

While refusing to fully explain the reason behind the Synard's sudden attack, Artis profusely apologizes to our heroes, and also tries to justify their actions; he and Narl are certainly hiding something, I'm sure, since the situation seems almost too quiet for it being the greatest crisis they've faced since the Ten Wise Men's first attack. Well, that also menas they've got no time to lose, and a few 'sacrifices' are to be expected during war, so Artis tells the group to walk into a teleporter they've got in there, as they will know what is to be done as soon as they arrive to its destination.

After being beamed Tria knows where, Claude, Rena and the others end up walking into a house, whose proprietor was just about to enter: so they bump into this weird-looking but seemingly very polite guy, and already have to make quick excuses for the sudden intrusion, as puzzled as he is about this meeting. His Name is Noel Chandler, and he's got those strange-looking things on his head, resembling animal ears (nobody really questions this, just like for our little Fellpool); coincidentally, his name is 'Leon' spelled backwards.

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