
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (197)

When Rena tells Claude about her confusion and doubts regarding her Nedian origins ('Just... who am I?'), you have the option of making Claude answer in one of the most tactless ways you could think of; it turns out however that it's one of the best answers, because Claude manages to get to the right point somehow.

Claude goes upstairs to check on Rena, and finds her deeply troubled. She looked so determined and strong when the group came on Nede, it's painful to watch her act like this now. Maybe it's what Narl told her before, that made her fully realize her situation. As the player you are given three choices for Claude's reaction: act dumb (see above), say some cheesy lines, or stay vague. The latter choice has the worst outcome, go figure... Maybe it's just me, but at times you can't really tell where Claude is going with the dialogue by the first sentence you're given: it makes me feel it's more of a guesswork and less roleplay, but whatever, I could be horribly wrong.

When Claude meets Rena you actually have the option of ignoring her, and then to chase after her afterwards; in this case it's obvious that just leaving her alone is the worst choice in terms of relationship.

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