
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (195)

See? Even on Energy Nede they use Microsoft Windows. By the looks of it, they're also using CRT screens for their work. Wow, Nedians sure have advanced technology!

Since they still have enough time to spare, our friends decide to split up and look around Central City a little more. Claude decides to search for some information about Nedian history and customs (it could come in handy for an eventual degree in History of the Universe... who am I kidding? He's just trying to be ahead of the game so he can look cool). However, Claude can't figure out how the communication media work on this planet: there's no hint about something like the Internet existing here, nor do they appear to use phone-like devices... Do they use telepathy? Whatever, he doesn't get discouraged, and since there doesn't seem to be a library around here, he checks on the local press office; too bad they're all busy on covering the Ten Wise Men and won't listen to Claude's questions.

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