
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (187)

They never really explained that in the end: what does Narl mean by 'powers of a different type', other than a ridiculous excuse for making Claude fight in place of regular Nedian soldiers? You know, maybe nowadays Nedians can't level up anymore, so Narl thought that getting a bunch of heroes from other planets and making them grind levels in their special 'dungeons' would be a good plan to fight the Ten Wise Men. That worked for me.

Right after their return to Nede (again, it's Energy Nede, so they haven't really come back), the Ten Wise Men have immediately seized property of one of the cities of the planet, Fienal: aside from having a nice and very apt name, I suppose the reason they chose it was because it's the only city on Energy Nede located beyond some weird-looking red energy shield which covers the rest of the planet, making it virtually inaccessible until they deactivate said shield. A brilliant tactician they must have with them, eh?

Narl has no idea what the Ten Wise Men are plotting (aside from conquering the universe), but he knows they have to be stopped, and as quickly as possible; he also has a good idea about how to trick our friends into helping them (yes, aside from that 'powers of different type' business)... But it seems our heroes are, indeed, heroes, and would certainly be unable to stand aside and do nothing while such evil men are afoot; therefore, Narl thinks it's best to save his trick for later, in case their faith decreases.

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