
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (181)

She sure sounds confident, but I don't think it's ever explained how she can tell they have to go that way: either it's telepathy, or it's just Rena remembering that there was a safe place or something like that in that direction.

Claude now knows where they are, although he's still puzzled by how they got there, and by the fact that they're still alive and well; he probably should have stopped worrying about these small details after being beamed from Millocinia to Expel, if you ask me...

Well, could we be more lucky? Everyone is here and in good health (maybe except for the eventual wounds you got in that last fight against Berle), the place they've ended up in doesn't look dangerous, and Rena somehow knows where to go. I tell you, I've been through a lot of 2nd Discs in my gaming life, and this is by far the best situation you start in. Sure, there's that small detail about Expel having been blown away, but it's nothing a lame plot device couldn't fix; besides, I've already told you what I think of small details.

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