
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (120)

I think this one doesn't need any comments.

I'm a bit of a conservativist when it comes to usable items in RPGs: often times I end up with tons of unused healing items in my inventory at the final sequence of the game. Of course this only applies to RPGs with an unlimited (or very large) storage for said items. In Star Ocean 2, which does have an unlimited inventory, it's more or less the same thing, but it's not because I'm saving healing items: there being a limit of 20 items per type, and needing them quite often, my inventory instead fills up with a huge variety of more or less useful knick-knacks. The one you see above is an example of an item which, by simply having it with you, boosts your success rate with certain item Creation skills, without disappearing after you use the skill (unlike the required materials).

Basically every single specialty has its own "helper" item (often more than one), and typically you can obtain them through the Machinery skill; one bad thing about it is that you'll often end up creating more than one helper item of the same type (they don't have a cumulative effect), but one good thing is that you can usually sell the spare ones for big bucks. Helper items, however, are just one kind of item that can clutter your inventory. Maybe I'll talk about some others later.

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