
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (98)

This scene simply fails at being funny, because of how badly it's handled; on second thought, the whole process of character development in this game is terrible, especially that of Leon. Oh, and Claude, despite being so full of himself, Leon is still a kid, so it's hardly surprising that he'd be scared of monsters; if you had him participate in battles, you'd know right away (but you didn't, because he was 4 or 5 levels ahead of the others).

Things couldn't have been so simple, we're in a game, a long game, and what would be unexpected in real life has come to be expected in these situations. Here comes the 'boss' of the 'dungeon' (see how silly it reads if you think about it?), or rather two of them! They look like Egyptian deities, they're pretty dangerous, and will give you a beating if you're not careful: a pretty high evade rate and spells like 'Lightning' and 'Cure all' make them very powerful, but all these aren't good reasons for them to attack our adventurers. I guess they couldn't ask them later either (Celine: not even bones this time).

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