
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (81)

Precis has such a wicked look in her victory pose; zoom in for a better effect.

Claude was already having a hard time acknowledging that green herbs can grow in a cave, and now he's having trouble understanding how they can see their way so clearly in said non artificially illuminated cave. Meanwhile Precis is having trouble keeping up the fight: every time she sees vicious werewolves and blonde dominatrix women trying to subdue the party, she feels the inexplicable urge to pound them with a 10-ton hammer she comfortably carries around in her backpack along with Bobot, but she's already run out of MPs to use such a technique. I don't know about you, but Claude being "contended" for by a girl with a strength like that and another girl who can summon leaden weights out of thin air (Rena's 'Press' and 'Gravity Press' spells) does make me feel bad for the poor galactic castaway.

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