
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (47)

Aside from the actual mistake in wording, this line stood out because it reminded me of Earthbound (a JRPG for the SNES that came out in 1995): I recall there was some character (or maybe it was a dog... what?) saying something similar, like "You're amazing! You talk to everyone!". Regardless of the possibility that it's a reference, it's quite funny, and also spot on because of the sheer number of people you can talk to in the Arena (this is just one of 6 screens).

Rena has just run away, but Claude has no time to lose, for his first duel draws near: he is quickly summoned to the entrance of the Arena, where you can make a last-minute check of your items (it's not really that useful, but you might have forgotten which support items you have for the battle). Entering the Arena, you listen to the announcer introducing the contestants, then the battle starts... oh, sorry, I'm so used to the term 'battle' that I use it for any kind of fight in the game (which is quite a common habit, almost jargon, since most JRPGs have a specific game view for fights).

Claude's first opponent is some knight in green armour and an unmemorable name, like all the other participants bar Dias; I think that if you lose this duel, you still have one more chance, but I've never tried. He's quite slow at attacking, so you shouldn't waste your MP and use regular sword slashes to get an easy win. One note: in the Rena version you can't control Claude directly (which is what made me lose to a fight once). After the fight, Claude wonders if Rena has watched him fight, so he heads to the spectators area to make sure... but not before talking to everyone! (I'm something else!).

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