
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (44)

Claude: "Yes, I are entered, but I can not write, sorry" *backs away* "Freaky green-haired bum..."
If you go to the reception of the Tournament Arena, you'll also find a couple of girls who ask an autograph... not to Claude, to the one behind him.

The day of the Tournament of Arms at Last! Lacour is even more crowded than it was yesterday, and Claude, Rena and Celine must make their way through a torrent of people to get to the Arena in the castle; well, not really a torrent, rather an unusually large amount of NPCs for an RPG of that time.

Since there isn't much to say here, I'll just put it here: it wasn't until I had watched Star Ocean EX (a cartoon based on this game) that I learned the right way to pronounce Rena, that is "RĂ©na" (short close e). The English version of the game makes the characters say it as "Reena", and I think this was left unchanged in the PSP remake. It doesn't bother me too much though, I've played JRPGs with way worse adaption issues.

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