
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (43)

Ok, Celine may be smarter than Claude most of the time, but sometimes she fails to show it properly. Darling.

Rena isn't helping by just endlessly walking back and forth in the room until evening, so she decides to go out for a walk. Besides, there's only two beds here, so she might as well try and find Dias, so they could share his room and leave Claude and Celine having fu... I mean, enough room and a bed each. Nothing really happens afterwards in the Claude version of the story (no, Claude's romance level with Celine doesn't affect this part), and it'll be a new day very soon. If you're playing the Rena version instead, you'll experience a short "subquest" about which Claude will only learn later and with much less details. Having already played both versions multiple times, I may be biased in judging the story from Claude's point of view: first-time Claude players may find this part a bit confusing and badly-handled instead.

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