
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (175)

Ellipses and question marks galore!
Rena is positively confused by the things these guys are saying, yesterday she didn't even know anything about outer space and other inhabited planets. An interesting bit: in the Rena storyline of the game, you can trigger a Private Action with Claude in which he will ask her about what she thinks is 'beyond the sky', to which you can select the answer 'maybe another world?'.
What I could gather from the information these ten men (?) are providing is that:
  • they created the Quadratic Sphere (i.e. the Sorcery Globe), which automatically makes them our enemy
  • they are from Nede, the same planet Rena is from, but how both have come to this planet and why is still a mystery (and for them it's not really explained even later on)
  • they possess (I think) a crystallized form of energy called the Quadratic Key, which is similar to Rena's pendant, but are surprised she has one as well (this IS explained later on, but I still don't know what a Quadratic Key really is or what it's used for)
  • each one has a different personality from the others, which will make it slightly more enjoyable for us when it's time to kill them all; however, given that there was a boss battle just a little while ago, and we've still got another Disc to play, I guess this is not the time

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