
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (155)

Dias never disappoints when it comes to snide remarks.

Claude and the others, Dias somewhat tagging along, are summoned to the throne room by the king of Lacour; his strategy is clear: strike while the iron's hot! The demons, having faced the terrible power of the Lacour Hope, are likely regrouping and reorganizing at Eluria, their base (formerly the capital of El); the plan's to have a fleet equipped with the cannon to invade the continent and storm their headquarters (of course, not without evacuating any human survivors first). Where do our heroes come in? Simple, they'll be the scouting and rescue team. Dias, however, won't be a part of that; it isn't really explained why...

So here we are again in Hilton, waiting for the Lacour Hope to be loaded onto the ship. It's taking a while, but Leon underlines the importance of handling the cannon with the utmost care; Dias, who has accompanied the party up to here, comments as you can see in the screenshot, making Leon finally go away.

If I remember correctly, we're already past the point of no return: the moment you talked to the Lacour general at the front, you knew there was no turning back. It's the end of the Disc or death for you! Kidding aside, it's a good thing to keep a separate save just before that event, in case you forgot some treasure or Private Action.

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