
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (34)

Pretty funny way to say hi, huh? Actually, the whole scene has Claude walking near a room at the inn and overhearing Celine talking to herself; if you make Claude approach the room, he trips while saying that. It's funny because one would expect Claude to say 'Hi Celine!' first, and then fall to the ground, or something like that: instead, the line comes out at the exact same time. I think the exact same problem can be found in Rena version.

Celine is so exhausted from the 'identifying' session from before that she decides to rest at the inn; meanwhile Claude, after being laughed at by the music shopkeeper because of his passion for trumpets, is thinking about letting off steam by teasing some newlywed couple at the inn nearby. Not even imagining that no couple would ever dream of lodging at Hilton (poor Claude, he's just an Earthling, how could he have known?), he gets pissed, and is just about to leave, when suddenly he hears Celine's voice. Thinking things could get interesting, Claude eavesdrops the conversation of Celine with Celine (she probably has a double personality) about her gaining weight. Unfortunately, Claude trips on a perfectly smooth floor, and goes down with an inn-shaking thud! The English translators had tried their best to cover Claude's malicious intentions by replacing the 'thud' with a 'Hi Celine!', to make it seem like he was just trying to enter the room; but it was still too obvious. Celine notices the earthquake and spots Claude in the corridor before he can even attempt to flee. With a look on her face half inquiring half worried, she asks 'Did you overhear...?'. By simply looking at the Heraldic master her friend for one instant, Claude could tell a wrong answer could mean death: therefore, what better chance to leave this daunting task to the player? I'll let you imagine what could happen next.

And yes, I invented most of that above. What? I was trying to make our stay in the boring port town of Hilton a bit more interesting! Don't like it? ...Fine, next time we'll get straight to Lacour Castle.

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