
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (24)

Well, it's nice that Claude encourages the poor girl to follow her dreams, but really, was that last line necessary? There's noone listening, and it makes him look like... I don't know, a dork? 'I know your dreams will come true.' *serious look* Come on, if it wasn't for the friendship increase with Celine, I would have chosen to make Claude discourage her (which is a bit cruel), just to avoid reading that last sentence.

Last time we left out heroes in Salva, so Celine probably thought 'might as well buy some of Salva's famed jam'; Claude finds her waiting in front of the empty counter of the jam store, and kindly offers to go find the missing shopkeeper, Yuki, so she can buy something. Claude finds Yuki practicing her singing near the mine: she confides him her dream of becoming a singer, along with her insecurity because of her freckles (hmm, appearance being a big deal for a singer, where have I heard that before?). Claude, being the great gentleman, natural leader and Hero of Light he is, manages to convince her to hold on to her dream (unfortunately we shall never find out if she succeeded). Finally Yuki notices she left her shop and goes back to work, so Celine can get her jam and is grateful to Claude; everyone lives happy ever after.

Side note: all of the above is a Private Action, entirely optional, and whose outcome is influenced by a couple of your choices; you don't gain anything from it other than an improvement of Claude's relationship with Celine, so if you're not interested just don't bother doing it.

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