
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (326)

Claude: You can't expect me to get all that in such an emergency situation so I'm going to pretend that the absurd nonsense you're talking about that not even Precis would believe to be possible is actually an entirely plasible theory
Precis: Hey!

Narl and Mirage have been hiding their real plan from our heroes all along (not that the outcome is much different with respect to them): the Crest of Enchantment can't actually stop the Crest of Annihilation, so Narl took an extreme decision. All the destructive power of the final crest will be redirected to Energy Nede itself, which apparently has strong enough barriers/structure/magic/whatever to contain an explosion that would destroy the entire universe (if that makes sense to you... Not that I'd want to make any sense out of this whole game anyway).

Mirage adds that it's still possible to return everybody to Expel - everybody in the group, that is; despite Claude and Rena's bewilderment about this, Narl, Mirage and everyone else on Nede have made the conscious decision to 'sink with the ship', stating that it isn't worth for a species that has stopped evolving to keep on living. Narl entrust Rena the task of preserving the Nedian race (if you have Noel and/or Chisato in your party, this task is extended to them as well) as the last survivor(s) of their people. Not a tear, not a shiver disrupts Narl and Mirage's faces in this moment of final parting - 'That's probably because our hearts are with you' says Narl.

In a moment an intense white light fills the air...

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