
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (143)

A bit slow today, are we, Claude? Dias is already gone, by the way; who are you talking to?

Claude goes after Dias and Rena, only to find just the lonely swordsman apparently lost in tought. Although none the friendlier, Dias seems to have been affected by Rena's talk, and (for no real reason if you ask me) chooses to entrust his 'little sister' to Claude: he motivates his choice by saying that, despite his strength, he himself could not protect Rena (from what? 'Mamoru', to protect, is a pretty common word in Japanese comics and animation). Claude seems a bit hesitant at first: he knows Dias outmatches him in combat and the idea of having to fight enemies stronger than him frightens him. But in the end he finds in his heart that he can do it as long as he fights for a person he cares a lot about (or at least that's what Minato Kojo wants us to believe; I don't buy it).

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