
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (129)

How dares he STARTLE her! This won't be the last time something like that happens: apparently Rena is pretty easy to get off guard (see the ape incident, for instance), but also quick to blame Claude even when he's not at fault for that.

Crossing the sea once again (this is the last time, I swear!), Claude and the others reach Lacour, but they prefer going to Linga to regroup before leaving for the frontlines to the north. Yes, a bit out of the way, but it's probably the safest place on the continent right now. Besides, they really didn't have the time to gather information about the Sorcery Globe in the world-famous library (not that there's anything interesting about it there). Meanwhile, we get to know, through a yet another Private Action, that it was one of Rena's wishes to study in the University of Linga, and that she couldn't do that because it was so far away from home. At this point Claude offers to tutor her, in order to at least partially satisfy her desire of knowledge, and Rena gladly accepts, not withouth expressing her initial marvel at the proposal; there's a bit of a misunderstanding though, as Claude says that he did pretty well in school. But all in all, this scene doesn't make much sense, since there's no way Claude could adjust to the cultural gap in Expel so easily.

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