Who's Marta? The lady at the counter perhaps? Maybe I should pay some more attention to names around here... but I've yet to sleep at an inn in this playthrough.
Marta: Mars isn't a place I would spend too much of my time, especially at night, when the wild forest beasts wake up and search for food. All the inhabitants of Mars can use Heraldry to defend themselves, but I can't: I'm helpless by myself; and as much as I appreciate the townspeople's help in finding me a lodging and a job, I'm afraid I'll have to leave, I really can't sleep at night. But where to? I've heard that Cross is already full of refugees, while Salva is next to a Dragon-inhabited mine, and Arlia is in the immediate vicinity of another monster-infested forest. What can I do? Oh, why did you leave me alone, my dear? Why is the Goddess so cruel with me?
...Ok, I tried making this more interesting, but I guess I can stop now. Maybe I should resort to linking to some real Star Ocean fan fiction instead.
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