Retrogaming may be generally seen as the nostalgic attachment that long-time gamers have towards older videogames. I think it's much more than that.
First of all, while 'veterans' are the main target of the retro-fever (in any field), there's always a good number of other people who can catch it: after all, while technology advancements have made old videogames look obsolete, well-made, enjoyable games are still enjoyable now. So newcomers to the electronic entertainment world can appreciate old games as well, especially when they can buy them at a fraction of the price gamers had bought them back then, if not for free.
Moreover, even if the history of videogames is relatively short, there are some genres which have been abandoned, and you can hardly find any new games of that genre anymore (assume you've found one by chance and liked it); then you find out that those kind of games were all the rage 10 to 20 years ago, and may be lucky enough to find means to play them.
Lastly, I think Retrogaming has a little more charm than that of nostalgia; because of technical progress, the focus has changed greatly in game development, and not necessarily for the best. Sure, back then developers struggled to make enough figures move on the screen at the same time, or fit all the game on a tape/cartridge/floppy disk, and we don't have to go back to that anymore; but as it often happens, progress also makes other issues become more important, in this case a realistic, consistent, believable virtual world in which to play, ensuring a long-lasting entertainment period for a fair price, an accessible, non-clunky interface and so on. People tended to pass on such things in the past because they didn't even know they could get better; that, and also because good videogames were very refined within their own limitations (because having strong limitations in a creativity medium can have its advantages).
Because of this charm, a recent trend in games has pushed towards 'retro' style features: things like blocky graphics and low-fi sounds are certainly mostly for nostalgic players, but also simpler game levels, shorter but carefully designed worlds and resurrected genres make for a good offer to everyone who wants entertainment.
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