
Funny Bits in Star Ocean 2 (279)

Claude: But it's still physically impossible
Mirage: Magical magnetic field
Claude: Oh, okay

Dr. Mirage briefly explains what the design plans are about: despite its looks, it's not a simple sword... It's an antimatter sword! She says it'll be able to penetrate the barrier or whatever surrounding the Ten Wise Men's bodies, allowing our heroes to actually damage them in battle.

Unsurprisingly, to the mention of antimatter, Rena replies with an 'Aunty who?', which summarizes pretty well the thoughts of all Expellians in the group. Claude, being the smart-as... I mean, having some knowledge of subatomic particles, promptly shares his doubts about their ability to maintain antimatter in a fixed region of space (namely, the blade of the sword) without it being annihilated with the surrounding matter (namely, air). Dr. Mirage's reply shows the apparent superiority of Nedian technology.

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